Decorating with mirrors to amplify the space in your home
Natural light in the rooms of the house is a source of energy and well-being. The use of mirrors in the right position helps to amplify the feeling of spaciousness and luminosity, making the most of the full potential of this resource.
Reasons to include mirror decoration
- Gaining space in the rooms
Mirror reflections give a feeling of spaciousness to smaller rooms. That's why they're great for making space in the smallest or narrowest places in a home, such as a hallway or a dressing room.
- Adding a window where there is none
Thanks to the brightness and spaciousness of mirrors, they are a great solution for opening up space in closed rooms or rooms with few windows. With the right mirror it is possible to create the impression of a new opening in the wall.
- Connecting with the energies of the house
Decorating with mirrors in the home is closely related to the philosophy of Feng Shui and the harmonious distribution of spaces in the home. According to Feng Shui, mirrors can be placed in almost any room except the kitchen, and never in front of a door, a corridor or a bed.
- Highlighting home decoration
Mirror decoration not only amplify the space but also the aesthetic potential of other elements in the house. Placing a mirror behind a flower pot, a sculpture or any other decorative item will make it ‘grow’ and give it more prominence. Mirrors can also amplify the presence of structural elements of the house. For example, a mirror placed on the wall opposite a fireplace will make the fireplace appear larger and the room more spacious.