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breeam certification very good
24 Jan, 2022

Why good isn’t good enough for Real de La Quinta

breeam certificate very good
breeam certificate olivos

Once the decision was taken that Real de La Quinta should be certified by Breeam, a second decision had to be made - what level of certification should we aim for?

Breeam is an independent platform which monitors every aspect of the construction process from the design, function, materials and more - and the impact of each of these factors on the environment both during the construction phase and during its lifetime.

The targets are tough and often costly in terms of thee less sustainable alternatives, but we made a clear commitment - we were aiming for a “Very Good” classification.

The implications were clear. Breeam aims to ensure three main beneficial areas : health, efficiency and environment.

The health benefits are derived from the design of the apartments. Fresh air circulation is readily achieved, large windows guarantee open views and natural light, but are also insulated for temperature and sound combining health and economic benefits for residents.

The efficiencies achieved by better design at Olivos represent significant economic benefits with water consumption reductions of between 20 and 35% alongside a minimum reduction in CO2 emissions of 7%. These represent an expected increase in property value of some 7.5% compared with he market.

The environment also benefits as the reductions in CO2 emissions during the life of the building reduce the impact on the natural environment.

Olivos is the only development in the province of Málaga to achieve the “Very Good” certificate which requires compliance with 55% of the established requirements.

The “Very Good” certification means:

Reduced water consumption

  • through low consumption sanitary ware
  • through drip feed watering
  • through the installation of humidity sensors to avoid automatic watering during rainy periods
  • through landscaping with indigenous plants with low water requirement
  • through recycling of rain and residual waters for irrigation

10% less energy consumption than the Breeam “Good” levels

Reduced CO2 emissions resulting from reduced energy consumption

Efficient lighting through LED bulbs with additional sensors to detect natural light levels for exterior lighting control

Construction control : throughout the construction period the environmental impact and waste management have exceeded the 85% score

Apartments all have energy certificates at level B

All gardening waste is recycled

Air conditioning systems are all automated

In all, we are very proud of the “Very Good” certification as it not only matches our own company values, but also represents a positive measurable benefit for our owners.

If you want to know more about Real de La Quinta's BREEAM certification scheme, its objectives and benefits, take a look at the BREEAM website: